High-Risk Families? How Can They Be Helpful? Essay

Total Length: 573 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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high-Risk families? How can they be helpful?

The different techniques that can identify high risk families include: intake, investigation, case planning and continuing services. Intake is when there is a focus on gathering information and understanding the problems. Investigation occurs after there are possible signs that someone could be in a high risk environment (i.e. physical marks and the person becomes withdrawn in social situations). Case planning is when different resources are gathered, to intervene and limit the impact of these conditions on the individual / family members. Continuing services is the point that health care workers are consistently monitoring the situation (to determine if there are any kinds of changes with the patient). ("Family Assessment in Child Welfare Services," 2005)

These tools are helpful in determining if a high risk situation exists. At the same time, they are focusing on identifying possible abuses and quickly rectifying them (utilizing a variety of resources).

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When this happens, these tactics will allow health professionals to intervene and prevent the conditions from becoming worse. It is at this point that effective monitoring will determine if the current approach is working. This is when family nurses can make adjustments to their strategy (to reflect real time changes). ("Family Assessment in Child Welfare Services," 2005)

Using either the health belief model or the health promotion model, identify its major concepts and assumptions. Explain how the family nurse can design care for families using one of the models.

The health promotion model is focused on achieving a number of different objectives. The most notable include:

It is creating a positive environment that is looking out for the well-being of the patient.

There is an emphasis on how an environment could….....

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