High Level Plan to Implement White Paper

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Finally the security plan must include periodic yet random simulated attacks and audits of security levels to ensure that both the DaaS software platforms and clients' data remains secure over time. All of these areas of the security plan must also be actively monitored within an online scorecard that clients can see on a 24/7 basis over their systems from anywhere in the world there is an Internet connection. A key aspect of any successful data center security plan is accountability for performance and transparency as well.

Systems Implementation Plan

Defining how the specific servers and their respective operating systems, applications, and data virtualization algorithms are optimized is defined in the systems implementation plan. The intent of this plan is to also define the points of integration between the systems themselves in addition to defining software integration points critical for the entire DaaS platform to run effectively. Further, this aspect of the plan must take into account continual monitoring and evaluation of performance over time. Access speeds and latency across these systems is crucial for clients to have access to their data when needed.

Key criteria of the systems implementation plan concentrate on the systems architecture, the decisions of which virtualization techniques, strategies and algorithms to be used for ensuring the highest performance, hardware integration to the TCP/IP command level, and the development of cache-based data management systems to ensure high access speeds to data. In addition the systems implementation plan must take into account performance in real-time and have an analytics layer that provides clients with visibility into performance on a 24/7 basis. All of these factors taken together lead to the development of best practices in DaaS hosting and also ensure a higher level of customer satisfaction overall (Kant, 2009).
The systems implementation plan also needs to interlock to the data center and security plan to ensure the goals of each can be achieved consistently over time. The ability of a DaaS provider to attain a high degree of virtualization performance is directly dependent on the level of integration in the data center, security and system functions (Kroeker, 2009).

SLA Implementation Plan

For any DaaS provider to continually meet and exceed the expectations of their clients they need to have the metrics or measures of performance associated with their Service Level Agreements (SLAs) engrained throughout each other area of their implementation plan. The highest performing DaaS providers are able to align all the diverse areas of their plans together to ensure SLA terms and conditions are consistently met and exceeded (Goo, 2010). By focusing on having SLAs that can be met through combined and synchronized efforts over time DaaS providers stand a better chance of being able to keep existing clients and gain new ones.


The core aspects of a DaaS implementation plan center on data center, security, systems and SLA performance over time with all of these components synchronized into delivering consistently high performance to clients. The fact that DaaS providers must concentrate on the coordination of these many areas of the proposed plan structure underscore the need for greater levels of system, process and security integration. DaaS provider best practices also need to concentrate on how to ensure role-based security over time, not just on the largest and most valuable accounts (Goo, 2010)......

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