How to Help an Addict Essay

Total Length: 800 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Drug addiction manifests in many ways, but drug and alcohol dependency are by far the most pervasive of all kinds of drug addiction (Marks, 2009). Not less than 125, 000 Americans lose their lives to drug addiction and alcoholism every year (Marks, 2009).

Drug addiction and alcoholism are chronic conditions that are characterized by alterations in the brain, which have the power to make an individual to have uncontrollable desires for alcohol and drug abuse in spite of the harmful effects (Marks, 2009).

People suffering from drug addiction or alcoholism are not "immoral" or "weak'. Just like diabetes and hypertension, the conditions are real diseases occasioned by behavior, environmental influences and genetics.

Alcoholism and Drug Addiction: Risk Factors

Not one factor has been found to singly contribute to the development of drug addiction and alcoholism (Marks, 2009). The development of addiction in a person can be influenced by the individual's biological makeup and their exposure to alcohol and drug (Marks, 2009).

The Risk factors are (Marks, 2009):

Genetics. According to research, drug addiction or alcoholism development risk is inheritable.

Age. Adolescents tend to engage in riskier behavior and are therefore at a higher risk.

Associations. A person's associations have a huge influence on their behavior.
If most of your associates abuse drugs then you are also likely to abuse drugs.

Stress. People seeking to relieve stress may turn to drugs.

Mental disorders. Anxiety disorders or depression may lead to abuse of drugs.

The kind of drug used. How the drug is consumed influences the risk of developing dependency. Drugs that are injected or smoked may lead to relatively higher addictions because of the "highs" come fast and fade just as fast and so the person needs to retake the drug to maintain the feeling of pleasure.

Social Effects of Drug Abuse

Drug abuse affects the body immediately, but there are potential effects on the abuser's future as well and how they relate with other people (Ramani, n.d.). Due to the need to constantly have access to drugs, a person's social and financial life is massively affected. The person's ability to focus might also diminish, leading to lower performance on the job and the person might even lose employment eventually (Ramani, n.d.).

Safety: Using illicit drugs increases the risk of being in dangerous circumstances and so the user's safety is compromised (Ramani, n.d.).

Financial troubles: Drug addiction and alcoholism is an….....

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