Healthy and Unhealthy Food Diet School Meal Article Review

Total Length: 636 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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red meat which is that eating of a lot of read meat is now linked to the risk of diabetes. There have been numerous warnings that have been issued by nutritionists concerning the health risks which are associated with eating read meat. The focus on the article is how there is a confirmed link between the consumption of red meat and type 2 explains this following a new follow up study hat has shown the persistence of this association throughout time.

The team which came up with this report included an epidemiologist Dr. Walter Willett who is part of the Harvard School of public health. The team made reports that the people that have claimed to have increased the amount of red meat they intake over a period of four years had had a very high chance of the development of type 2 diabetes. On the other hand the people who said that they had a stable red meat intake or even they intake has gone down had a lower chance of developing the disease.

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Recently researchers have put down in writing a lot of observations studies that clearly show an association between consuming red meat and the health risks that are involved. Most of the studies that had ben earlier conducted regarding the consumption of red meat and the risk of diabetes only focused on red meat intake from a single point in time and went ahead to incorporate the information which was only limited.

There is an in-depth look at red meat and an individual's health in the article. There was report whereby an analysis of collected data was done. The data was collected from almost 150,000 adults that took part in three long-term studies that had bee coordinated by Harvard University. This was a health professional follow up study that followed 51,529 male health workers which commenced in 1986,a nurses health study….....

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