Health Commonly, Anemia Presents As a Condition Case Study

Total Length: 692 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Commonly, anemia presents as a condition where there is a deficiency of red blood cells in the body. Common symptoms to all cases of anemia include general fatigue and a basic lack of energy. In women, symptoms can become worse during pregnancy or menstruation. When one diagnoses a specific type of anemia, it is important to take into account not only the laboratory results, but also how these combine with the particular current symptoms presented, as well as the sufferer's medical history.

For Ms. A's specific case, I would diagnose iron deficiency anemia. There are various clues that led to this conclusion. First, she is reported to be apparently healthy before developing the symptoms that brought her to the clinic. She is also among one of the at-risk individuals for the condition, being a woman of child-bearing age (MedlinePlus, 2012).

In this group, iron deficiency anemia can manifest suddenly or gradually. In her case, the onset appears to have started at the beginning of the current golf season, during which he has reported increased shortness of breath and low levels of energy and enthusiasm.

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These are common symptoms of the onset for iron deficiency anemia. The worsening of the symptoms during Ms. A's menses is another clue to suggest that this is the type of anemia she suffers from. The elevated heart rate, respiratory rate and drop in blood pressure are also signs that the anemia has worsened because of the high altitude and physical exertion of her activities during the day in question. Finally, her regular and long-term use of aspirin during her menstruation periods has most likely worsened the condition and increased its likelihood of manifesting as it did (MedlinePlus, 2012).

The laboratory results confirm the diagnoses, with a low hemoglobin, hematocrit, erythrocyte and reticulyte count, The fact that microcytic and hypchromic cells showed in the RBC smear confirms the diagnosis.

What is important to recognize about Mr. P and his wife is that his condition is not only affecting his own physical well-being, but also the relationship between them and….....

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