Hair Was Pulled Straight Back Application Essay

Total Length: 949 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Individual freedom is a critical issue for all persons. Nations are only steps away from totalitarian systems and families from authoritarian parents when individual freedoms are restricted. Individuals should have the freedom to pursue a course of action, even when that course of action is incongruous with the majority desire. The discussion surrounding the issue as it relates to gays and children raised in gay homes, or the sanctity of marriage, mask what is truly at stake for all of us in this country.

The successful preservation of freedom starts with individual freedom. Americans believe in individual freedom, not just for some Americans but for all. Any attempt to abrogate the rights of selected individuals, in the pursuit of some elusive moral dream, harms all of us. The loss of rights for one group, however small, is a loss of rights for all.

Life is a mixture of varied experiences, and you accept the bitter as well as the sweet. This is not just a maxim it really aptly describes many aspects of my life. I may believe that I have received more bitter than sweet. However I would not exchange it, because it has been the crucible that has formed me into the person that I am today. My strength is a testimony to my ability to overcome fierce obstacles and turn the impossible into the achievable.

In my formative years I lived on a farm. Farm life was difficult and required multiple sacrifices to accomplish things.

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The work was arduous and sustained, beginning early in the morning to late at night. On a farm there was limited leisure time. I often wished I could be immersed in video games or some other activity. My parent's insistence that I keep busy was a major sore point, they just didn't appreciate how much work I did on the farm.

At the earliest possible opportunity I escaped the farm. Initially I desired an easier path but the farm was in my blood. I started raising show animals. This was difficult firstly because it was costly and I had no financial support from back home. Additionally while I knew about animals I was ignorant of their grooming and nutrition for competition. To compensate for this gap in my knowledge I did some courses in animal care and husbandry. To my delight I did exceptionally well in these courses and graduated near the top of my class.

I no longer view the farm as a place where I was deprived of a childhood; rather it is the place where I gained the character traits and habits that have defined me. Dedication, integrity and punctuality are permanent features of my personality. The experiences of the farm have bolstered and forged me into an exceptional….....

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