Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and Term Paper

Total Length: 564 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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" Morse makes the compelling argument that the President has no Constitutional power to act in this fashion and should not be granted a resolution to that effect, which effectively sidesteps the Constitution and its checks and balances system.

Interestingly, supporters of the resolution seemed unfazed by this realization. Senator Cooper's back-and-forth with Senators Russell and Fulbright demonstrates this. He continued to probe the nature of the powers the resolution would grant, ultimately articulating that it amounted to approving of the President's current actions and supporting any future ones the President determines to be necessary. Senator Cooper asked, "Then, looking ahead, if the President decided that it was necessary to use such force as could lead into war, we will give him that authority by this resolution?" The supporters agree that this is the case, upon which Cooper points out it is important for Congress and the public to understand what the resolution could lead to.

Despite an open discussion on the Senate floor of the Constitutional limits on the office of the President and the way in which the Gulf Tonkin Resolution would work to sidestep those limitations, supporters of the resolution managed to push the resolution through Congress, ultimately leading to the Vietnam War. The ideological fear of communism, as well as the presumably unprovoked attacks on U.
S. military forces, facilitated a political climate that undermined the Constitution and concentrated undue power within the hands of the President, all with the shaky promise that Congress could revoke the Resolution at a later date should it wish.


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