Grzywacz, Joseph G., Sara A. Essay

Total Length: 665 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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2010: 336). The data was accumulated by trained interviewers regarding worker's mental health status. They used a 10-item version of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression (CES-D) scale to measure depressive symptoms. "Descriptive statistics were used to examine the distributions of the individual-level variables" (Grzywacz et al. 2010: 337).

Results including analyses performed

Depressive symptoms were not uniformly constant, but highest in the beginning of the agricultural season, as the workers adjusted to their new conditions. The symptoms then abated, but at the end of the season when the worker's uncertainty about finding further work increased, depression increased. Situational variables such as legal threats of deportation also impacted worker's depression, and undocumented workers lacking an H2A were far more apt to manifest depression, even if they suffered from the same symptoms of poverty as their fellow documented employees.


Depression is a multifaceted illness. The authors noted that marital status affected the patterns of worker depression, as did workers' previous experiences traveling, ability to speak English, and even having places to store personal belongings.
While different individuals may be more psychologically vulnerable to depression than others, the study's conclusions that poverty, separation from loved ones, and economic and personal uncertainty exacerbate depression suggest that physical and social as well as psychological factors must be addressed. While the study's analysis of the U-shaped depression curve of the workers may be interesting and their analysis highlights the often-overlooked presence of depression amongst the poor, ultimately its conclusions about improving individual conditions through better economic and material circumstances seems fairly self-evident. Still, it is an important reminder that higher-level psychological needs, while important, may be difficult to address when depression is caused or exacerbated by material want.


Grzywacz, Joseph G., Sara a. Quandt, Haiying Chen, Scott Isom, Lisa Kiang, Quirina Vallejos, & Thomas a. Arcury. (2010). Depressive symptoms among Latino farm workers….....

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