Group Processes Are Often Dependent Essay

Total Length: 365 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

The study was performed on groups of White and South Asian students, and showed that cross-group friendships provided a platform for reducing out-group prejudice and perceived hostility among these groups.

A study by McGregor, Haji and Kang (2008) also reveal that in-group individuals who display a high Personal Need for Structure (PNS) tend to be inclined towards out-group derogation and hostility.
The authors found that lowering PNS also lowers this inclination. Interestingly, this is not done by means of focusing upon the out-group, but rather upon in-group dynamics. This indicates that a positive in-group focus and stability lies at the root of the problem, rather than the perception of out-group hostility or the need to display such hostility towards out groups......

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