Group Counseling by Jacob and Term Paper

Total Length: 1369 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

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Frequently in a correctional facility, disruptive group members may not be content with simply interrupting the group sessions but may actually go so far as to be belligerent or threatening to the facilitator or to other group members. Rather than derailing the group progress, this can actually be an important part of the process because it forces all group members to confront the type of anti-social behavior that resulted in their incarceration. Likewise, in substance abuse groups, whether inside or outside of a correctional institute, one can expect a certain amount of denial and belligerence in some group members because both characteristics are classic parts of the underlying disease of addiction. It is important to keep in mind that groups of similarly situated people can be very effective at identifying evasive and disruptive behavior, and that group members may identify it even before the facilitator notices it. Furthermore, group members will frequently have no problem with confronting the disruptive member. In fact, "offenders often are better than staff at confronting individuals who are attempting to delude themselves or other regarding treatment" (Jacobs & Spadaro, 2003).

Furthermore, it is critical for therapists to understand that "self-disclosure is always going on, whether consciously or unconsciously" (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2005). This concept is critical when dealing with potentially dangerous clients or clients whose disclosures may make the counselor uncomfortable. For example, dealing with clients in correctional facilities or in substance abuse scenarios, the therapist is likely to encounter revelations of violent and abhorrent behavior. As a human being, the therapist is going to respond to those revelations, but must be aware that any of the therapist's reactions are going to impact the tone of the group. Therefore, the therapist must be careful about the degree of self-disclosure and be careful about self-monitoring to encourage supportive behavior by other group members.
As the group facilitator, the therapist sets the standard for group behavior, and if the therapist allows himself to respond with disgust, aversion, or anger to something one of the group members says in the process of real discovery or therapy, then the therapist opens the door to disruptive behavior by other group members.

One must also realize that sometimes the most disruptive group events are not the result of a member acting inappropriately, but the result of genuinely emotionally distressing revelations by group members. Negative emotions can be very contagious, and elicit memories and emotions in group members that can quickly derail the progress of the group. Group facilitators have to be aware of this potential. To help mitigate those effects, the group leader needs to: protect individuals from forced self-disclosure, protect boundaries, and regulate affect (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2005). This may involve the therapist's intervention into one-on-one group dynamics. The therapist needs to ensure that no group members are allowed to be physically or verbally threatening to one another without consequences, particularly if those members are incarcerated together.

Finally, therapists have to be willing to exclude group members is they are harming the group's progress. When members have been ordered to attend the group as a condition of release or remaining out of jail, the threat of eviction from the group for inappropriate behavior can be a powerful motivator for the person to engage in therapy. However, it can also mean that group members who do participate are made vulnerable to a disruptive member while in general population, not simply while in the group setting. The therapist must be aware of those concerns and do everything in his power to ensure the safety of group members both in and out of the group setting......

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