Group Conflict Research Paper

Total Length: 858 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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Conflict at Bimbo's

Conflict resolution is part of our daily lives whether we like it or not. From the United Nations to the street, conflict is an omnipresent event, and it takes skill, understanding and patience to resolve a conflict. According to Phillys Bottome, "There are two ways of meeting difficulties: You alter the difficulties or you alter yourself meeting them," and this is true almost always. This is especially the case in the project presented below, which is a conflict that has to do with a very usual, yet complex and interesting topic. This paper will examine this small conflict and will ponder on the lessons learned from this exercise. [1: Bottome, Phyllis. "Conflict resolution quotations." Tammy Lenski, LLC. 2011. Retrieved from .]

In the story presented in this particular exercise, the conflict arose in a bar. Essentially, according to the case study, the person narrating was the bartender and the owner (manager) of a particular bar-restaurant. The concept of this establishment is simple: it is a bar serving pizza and wings, that sometimes hosts bands and which is popular on weekends in the summer. Another issue presented was that bartenders tend to make most profit from the pulltabs by the bar, which most often capture their attention and therefore keep them from paying attention to other requests, namely those of the waitresses serving the other customer in the bar. Due to this conflict, the tips suffer, especially for the waitresses.

The conflict arose, therefore, according to the study, due to the fact that waitresses expected the bartender's attention (which was not given) and also did not share tips with the bartenders. Further, the bartenders felt no excuse was necessary, as they went to where they saw profit since the waitresses did not share tips. The manager stated from the beginning that this case was not one in which waitresses could see another way of doing business (namely, give the bartenders a share of the tips), and saw very little room to change this habit.

However, the individuals in this case study eventually saw that there was a problem. According to the narration, everyone recognized that it was unfair to the bartenders to simply ignore the pulltabs, just as it was unfair to waitresses to simply ignore the bartenders' attention towards making profit. Therefore, it was established that another way of doing business must be enacted. This way enabled individuals to use personal strength to level the playing field, so to speak. The solution was that the compromise was to ensure, according to the case study,….....

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