Group Has Chosen: Lil Wald Research Paper

Total Length: 915 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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1% greater than the Texas average.

The cost of living in Canyon is 2.6% less than the national average.

The cost of living index is based on a national average of 100.If the region shows a cost of living index that is lower than 100, it means it is living below national standard, and the reverse shows it is living above national standards. Canyon's living standard is 97, which shows that it is living below average national standards. At the same time, however, it is significantly greater than cost of living in Texas in general. Its groceries, its goods, and its transportation are one or more notches higher than Texas in general. Its housing index is considerably higher. Its utilities index is however significantly lower than Texas and certainly than the Nation as a whole. Its health care index is also slightly lower than Texas in general.

Misc. The price of gas in Canyon, TX is $3.56 which is 1.7% lower than the national average. In some commodities it is far cheaper. In coffee and pizza for instance it is 11.4%- 11.8% lower than the national average.

In many things, particularly in the staples of life, such as bread and potatoes, Canyon is an extremely cheap city to live in. Chicken and wine too is cheap as well as are medical services.
(Canyon. Cost of living )


There are 5 public schools in Canyon compared to a total of 7,418 public schools in Texas as a whole. There is 1 post-secondary school in Canyon compared to a total of 463 post-secondary schools in Texas. Canyon has no private schools compared to 1,266 private schools in Texas.

The student to teacher ratio in Canyon for public schools is 16:1, which is 21% greater than the Texas student to teacher ratio and 0.7% greater than the National student to teacher ratio.

Education level achieved in Canyon

89.6% of students achieved 8th grade whilst 88.9% completed high school. 72.3% completed some college. 46.1% achieved an associate degree. 41.8% completed bachelors. 15.5% completed masters. 5.1% obtained a professional degree. Finally, 2.6% obtained a doctorate.

More males (3.9%) than females (1.3%) completed high school. In lower grades, with the exception of Grade 8 and nursery, the classes were almost equally balanced in regards to gender. In nursery more than double the amount of females to males attended, whilst Grade 8 showed a significantly higher amount of boys than girls.

More females than males obtained their HS diploma. A slighter higher amount of males to females achieved their bachelor's degree. The Masters showed an equal proportion, whilst.....

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