Green Technology Term Paper

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Green Technology

Relationship between World population Growth and Global Development

The concern of shortage in natural resources, caused by the rapid growth of human population is one of the main debates which are discussing the matter of relationship between population and environment. This is issue was first set out in 1798 by Robert Malthus. According to him, the power of the population is significantly larger than that in the earth required to produce subsistence for human beings. By this, Malthus implied that the growth of human population is superior to the capacity of the earth with regard to production of natural resources. The repercussions of this fact are increased hunger as well as increased mortality rate all over the world. In addition, there is also delayed marriages and significant reduction in the size of the families. All these consequences play a substantial role in slowing down the demographic growth. Nevertheless, the Malthus idea is receiving a lot of criticism despite the fact that its development took place even the agricultural revolution. One of the main criticism states that this theory has its basis on the believe that the production of natural resources, as well as land are firm, without considering the advances in technologies resulting from the growth. Despite of these criticisms Malthusian theory had a significant influence with regard to posterior studies. This is because it has been the milestone of the concept of the carrying capacity.

Malthus theory involves the growth of human population although it also extends to natural resources. Through this, it looks in deeper details the relationship between the human population growth and the natural resources. Malthus on his theory stated that the problem is not the finiteness of the natural resources, but the changeability of their location as well as quality. These aspects are the one accountable for the variation in using the natural resources together with their relative shortage.

John Stuart also came up in contributing to this debate concerning the relationship between the human population and the natural environment. John inserted an external factor to dynamics of human population. This factor takes into consideration the incorporation of changes in technology as the most vital aspect for avoiding shortage or reduction in natural resources. Therefore, John's view is an effort to break the prevailing linearity of previous theories characterized by phenomena and continuity of various processes, as well as qualitative oscillations or absence of changes.

Karl Marx also took part in theorizing the relationship between the human population and the natural resources. Karl Max criticized the ideas of Malthusian through asserting that if the people can enter into a steady state, the problems of socioeconomic would become the major cause, but not the reality of declining yields, complete physical restrictions, or exponential growth in population. Karl Marx considers Malthus as a scientist and a representative with regard to his social class. Putting this into consideration, his arguments had the intension of justifying certain economic, as well as social measures.

Throughout the history of mankind, a steady growth in the use high quality energy has supported the expansion of human population. The operation of industrial civilization is currently depending wholly on access to a significant amount of energy of different types. This implies there can be serious consequences on human population as well as civilization if there is a decline of this energy. However, the increasing human population is demanding more energy. On the other hand, the natural resources, which are the main source of energy, are declining at a significant rate. This implies that failure to control the use of natural resources may lead to long-term consequences which may have significant implications on the human population. Taking this into consideration, there are various methods that are emerging for the purpose of preserving the natural resources through effective use of the available resources. One of the main methods is the use of green technologies.

The Role of Green Technologies

Green technologies or clean technology refers to the application of environmental science, environmental monitoring, green chemistry and electronic devices to model, monitor and conserve the natural environment as well as resources. This is for the purpose of curbing the negative impacts of involvement of human in natural resources. Green technologies also describe sustainable energy technologies including wind turbine, photovoltaic, and bioreactors. As the name suggest, green technology is a type of technology which has a green purpose. The word green in this concept does not mean the color, but the Mother Nature is usually green. Therefore, green technologies take into consideration green inventions that involve energy efficiency, safety and health concern, recycling, and renewable sources among other inventions. Green technologies encompass a wide range of methods as well as materials for the purpose of generating energy while conserving the natural environment.

The main concept applied in green technologies involve the use of renewable source of energy, water purification, air purification, sewage treatment, environmental remediation, solid waste management, eGain forecasting, and energy conservation. On renewable energy, it is the energy which replenish easily. For many years, human beings have been using sources sun, wood and water or the purpose of producing energy. However, the increase in human population is leading to exhaustion of some natural sources of energy such as wood. Taking this into consideration, the use of renewable sources is helping in providing energy to a human being while preserving the natural environment.

Water purification involves elimination of dirt or germs from the water that flows throughout the natural environment. It is a fact that increase in human population is leading to water pollution due to increased human activities. This implies that there is a need to purify the water in order to protect the natural resources. Green technology on this part plays a significant role in water purification through carrying out various campaigns all over the world, in an attempt to help in water purification.

Increase in human beings results to civilization. One of the common aspects of civilization is industrialization. Industrialization is resulting to emission of harmful gases to the environment including excessive carbon dioxide and sulphur. These gases lead to degradation of the environment. In addition, they have negative impacts on human beings as well as animals. Through embracement of green technologies, people are growing green plants and trees in many parts of the world for the purpose of keeping fresh air. This is because plants usually remove carbon dioxide form the atmosphere through converting it to oxygen.

Sewage treatment uses the same concept as water purification. Sewage treatment plays a substantial role in preserving the natural environment as it helps in purifying water making it free from pollution. Increase in human population is resulting to congestion in many cities all over the world. As a result, there is an increase in sewage in these areas, which if people do not manage it properly; it can result to serious problems. Polluted water has no use in the environment. One the other hand, water free from pollution get supplied to various places for usage in various activities. This leads to other concepts related t to environmental protection as well as sustainability.

Environmental remediation involves the removal of contaminants and pollution for the purpose of protecting the environment. Solid waste management involves consumption, purification, disposal and reuse and treatment of solid waste materials.

eGain forecasting is a role played by green technologies, and it involves the use of advanced methods and technologies in order to predict the future impact of weather on a building. This helps in adjusting the heat on the basis of weather forecast, which in turn helps in reducing redundant use of heat, hence reducing consumption of energy as well as emission of greenhouse gases.

A Specific Green Technology

Due to increase in human population, there is exploitation of the natural….....

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