Greek & Mesopotamian Social Values Term Paper

Total Length: 391 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

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However, in Mesopotamia, Ishtar was considered the primary god, and Ishtar was a woman. It is interesting to note that in Mesopotamia war is considered a feminine pursuit, and Ishtar is the god of war, while in Greece it is primarily a male pursuit and, though there are specific gods of war, Zeus is seen as the ultimate leader in times of war.

Despite these differences there are strong similarities between these two cultures as well. Slavery, for instance, was practiced in both cultures. The abundance of slaves was an indication of social rank and prosperity in both the Mesopotamian and ancient Greek cultures.

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Slaves account for the bulk of the workforce in both countries as well.

Also, even though the treatment of women was very different, marriages were still arranged in both cultures. Of course, in Mesopotamia the groom pays the bride's family a dowry, and in Greece the father of the bride pays the groom to "take her off his hands," but marriage was still arranged by the families in both societies, therefore the same wrestling of rank and honor to make good political matches was still a major consideration in both cultures......

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