Grass Fed Beef Cattle Essay

Total Length: 737 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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Switching to Grass Fed Beef

A new study from California State University in Chico reviewed over thirty years of research that compared the nutritional profiles of grain-fed beef and grass-fed beef. Overall the research done by the university revealed that grass-fed beef was better according to the report released in the latest Nutrition Journal. Grass-fed beef had more levels of omega-3 fatty acids (assist in enhancing cardiovascular health) and low levels of different documented unhealthy fats. Beef from grass-fed animals also had less quantities of dietary cholesterol and higher levels of vitamins E and A plus antioxidants compared to beef from grain-fed animals. The research also found that grass-fed beef had two times the quantities of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), isomers, which have cancer fighting properties and also reduce the risk of getting diabetes and other medical problems (Pope, 2010).

Fatty acids profiles and antioxidant content

Red meat, regardless of whether the animal was grass or grain fed, is nutrient dense and considered a key source of vitamins E, D, A, B6, B12, essential amino acids and minerals such as iron, selenium and zinc. Apart from these crucial nutrients, beef consumers also take in several types of fats which are a crucial source of energy and enhance the absorption of other nutrients (fat-soluble vitamins A, E, K and E). According to the ADA (American Dietectic Association), animal fats account for about 60% of the SFA (Saturated Fatty Acid) found in the American diet, most of which is largely stearic acid and palmitic acid. Stearic acid has been revealed to have no links to human cholesterol concentrations (Daley, Abbott, Doyle, Nader, & Larson, 2010).

Analysis of grain-fed and grass-fed beef from Angus Cattle

Grass-fed beef cattle obtained nutrients directly from grass; such kind of pasture contains little in terms of assimilable energy but a lot in terms of fiber. On the other hand, grain-fed Angus cattle were on a high-digestible energy source feeding regimen. Of late, ruminants have been tagged as a significant contributor to the increase in green house gases. Rumen is one of the key areas of digesting forage, resulting in the supply of sufficient amount of nutrients for the growth of the animal (Li, et al., 2015). Thus, concerns from environmentalists and public health officials have driven beef consumers to choose grass-fed beef. According to Clancy (2006), adopting pasture grazing systems (grass-feeding cattle), would cut green house gases….....

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