Graef, S.T.; Tokar, D.M.; Kaut, Article Review

Total Length: 1770 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Also, despite what the counselors themselves think or feel, more emphasis on multicultural training, from the perspectives of the specific cultures themselves, needs to be undertaken.

Implications for career counselors.

Career counselors need to understand that just because they feel they can successfully handle a multicultural environment doesn't mean they can from the perspectives of the cultures and individuals themselves.

What is your overall impression of the article?

I thought the article was a little vague in its identification of what "multicultural" meant. However, I tend to agree with the results as well as the premise which means that many counselors need to undertake more multicultural education or gain insight into and experience with different cultures. This may or may not have further implications for Caucasian career counselors since they were most prevalent in the study.

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What was the most important piece of information obtained from me the article?

The most important piece of information I found in the article was the fact that people, no matter how they feel about their own successes and abilities, can always learn from those around them. This goes for career counselors as well as other professionals. People can always grow and experience other cultures, environments, etc. This is for the betterment of their own professional spectrum and abilities.

How would you implement this information into work as a helping professional?

I would implement this information by encouraging more educational interaction between different cultures and races within the career counseling world. Also, creating a multicultural forum or meeting place for….....

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