Government Even if Our Country Thesis

Total Length: 2057 words ( 7 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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Notwithstanding these dreadful forecast as well as the consequential results, the political will for transformation is not that strong at the moment, if these situation extends, it will be harder to alter them; conceivably it is the moment for the people as well as the government officials to work hand-in-hand in saving the country's current economic state.

In an article written by Shear and Branigin (2009), they quoted President Obama saying "we cannot rebuild this economy on the same pile of sand, we must build our house upon a rock. We must lay a new foundation for growth and prosperity -- a foundation that will move us from an era of borrow and spend to one where we save and invest, where we consume less at home and send more exports abroad."

The new economy that President Obama mentioned will surface from America's most horrible economic occurrence in the past seven decades ought to be similar to the strong house made by a man who used a foundation of stone; that President Obama said a firm basis for the country's economy needs to be made "on five pillars: new rules for Wall Street, new investments in education, renewable energy and health care and new federal budget savings to reduce debt" (Shear & Branigin, 2009).

In the piece written by Maximus (2009), commented and asked "the Paulson Plan was just the first step in a larger expansion of government power. Now Geithner proposes additional powers, discretionary and open-ended expansion of the government's authority. How many more such steps will be necessary in the next few years? Where will this end?"

I believe that the country requires the assistance of its people who will evidently clarify the complex problems of the economy instead of the typical government official who declares that he is capable in attaining patronizing objectives with no actual or solid plans on how these will goals will be achieved......

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