God the Father Son and Holy Spirit Assessment

Total Length: 1240 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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HTH-515 Topic 2Revelation and GodI. Ranking Christian Doctrines Activity and ReflectionWithout doing any prior research, use the chart below to organize the following 20 doctrines by placing them under the category you think they best fit.Election Sinful Nature Baptism Rapture Church GovernmentJustification Hell Trinity Atonement Jesus’s Virgin BirthYoung Earth Predestination Inspiration Lord’s Supper Deity of JesusDemonology Millennium Sanctification Origin of Evil Gifts of the SpiritRanking Christian Doctrines ChartFirst OrderSecond OrderThird OrderSinful NatureHellDeity of JesusBaptismTrinitySanctificationAtonementOrigin of EvilGifts of the SpiritLord’s SupperJesus’s Virgin BirthChurch GovernmentPredestinationElectionInspirationElectionJustificationPredestinationMillenniumRaptureChurch GovernmentYoung EarthDemonologyInspirationAfter you have finished placing the 20 doctrines in the chart, do some research and reconsider where you placed each doctrine. If you decide to change a doctrine from where you originally placed it, cross it out using the strikethrough function and retype it in red in the category where it was moved. Also, feel free to add other doctrines that you might encounter. Place these additional doctrines in blue. Finally, what did you learn as you thought through your original ordering? Are there doctrines you are still unsure where to place? If so, why? [100-150 words]It appears to me that there are more first order doctrines in Christianity than anything else, simply because it is so important that Christian beliefs be defined. While there are various sects, this is a problem when it comes to unity. The more that what must be believed is defined, the more unity there can be. After thinking through my original ordering I learned that I put some issues in the second and third order of doctrines because I know that there is disagreement among the sects—but I still think they have been defined and must be believed a certain way.II. Key Issues Regarding the Inspiration and Authority of ScriptureSkim through pages 160-184 of Michael Horton’s The Christian Faith. Outline some key issues regarding the inspiration and authority of Scripture. Why are these doctrines so important? What is at stake if these doctrines are not given priority? [150-200 words]Scripture is like the constitution—the Word as Canon—that lays down the rule for our life as Christians.

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It is the inspired Word of God and thus contains the authority of God within it. Just as we have a Constitution from our Founders of the nation, so too does God give us a constitution in Scripture. These doctrines are important for our salvation because they tell us how to work out our salvation, applying ourselves to the Word and putting it into practice so that our…

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…HeresiesChoose three Trinitarian heresies from the early church era. Use the chart below to outline the main understanding of each heresy along with the arguments Christian thinkers used to refute them. Make sure you include Scripture references. You are free to use bullet points in your outline.Trinitarian Heresies ChartName of Heretical Movement and Main Proponent(s)Brief Description of Main Heretical BeliefsMain Arguments and Biblical.....

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