Globalization: Selling Cars in China Term Paper

Total Length: 692 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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For the Chinese, cars represent both freedom and affluence. Despite its flagging fortunes at home, General Motors doubled its sales in China during the third quarter of 2009, compared with the same period in 2008 (Stoll 2009). Although GM may be associated with government bailouts and failure in the U.S., in China GM has been able to successful craft an attractive and affluent image for China's emerging financial elite. Significantly, when GM was forced to sell off its 'uber-luxury' brand, the massive Hummer, a Chinese firm was the first to 'bite.'

Marketing in China, GM's example suggests, requires a two-pronged strategy. To the affluent, the attractiveness of a foreign vehicle that can give the driver the luxury experience he or she has long desired but never possessed will be compelling. Driving a foreign vehicle connotes wealth and prosperity. To the rural population, who may desire more moderately-priced vehicles, the ideal of affluence, convenience, and affordable luxury can be the target strategy of the marketing campaign.

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Smaller vehicles must be touted to this population, and a savvy marketer can learn from Toyota's example. In contrast to GM: "Toyota's China sales have suffered this year after a failure to anticipate demand for smaller cars" (Stoll 2009).

This hypothesis is supported by the hard data regarding Chinese car sales and government subsidies for car buyers, and data available about other retail sectors. The emerging Chinese middle-class is shifting its lifestyle habits to accommodate fast food, shopping for pleasure, and other Western pleasures in a nation that has long been focused on savings. The ideal strategy would be to tout a small or mid-sized car that is branded as distinctly American in its attitude and projection of affluence, without pricing the vehicle beyond the consumer's comfort zone. This could give an automotive company a clear edge in this exciting global marketing frontier.


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