Globalization the Hofstede Cultural Dimensions Term Paper

Total Length: 647 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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S. (Matviuk, 2010). The Mexican managers believed that individuality (IDV) was essential for them to operate their factories successfully. The fact that their overseas senior management teams did not causes significant conflict. As a result, the Mexican managers chose to create more tacit and explicit knowledge programs so the senior management teams could see how much information was being lost due to their insistence on managing in a strict hierarchy (Matviuk, 2010). Using the Hofstede Model of Cultural Dimension the impasse was solved and more collaborative working arrangements were created.

A final example is one that illustrates how quickly the Russian economy shifted in the last two decades.

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Researchers using the Hofstede Cultural Dimensions Model successfully counseled managers on how to navigate and manage their careers from state-run and often communist manufacturing centers to privately run and nationalized ones (Astakhova, DuBois, Hogue, 2010). This resulted in higher levels of effectiveness on the part of the Russian managers, and a sense of ownership over the tasks in their new roles. The study also concluded that the shift in production techniques, from purely forecast-driven to lean manufacturing-based approaches, would not have been possible without the insights gained from the Hofstede Cultural Dimensions model providing insights (Auch, Smyth, 2010)......

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