Global Management Leadership Essay

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sector or industry you would like to specialize in the MBA program? What role do you hope to be able to play in this sector or industry in the medium term?

I am currently the Chief Executive Officer of a company devoted to developing residential housing projects. Our company was founded in 2010 and already has a focused turnover of 10 million Euros. The company acts as a vertically-integrated hub that creates and distributes construction materials. In my previous position I worked as a commercial administrator and assistant to the CEO of a real estate company focused on acquiring high portfolio properties in prime locations from public enterprises, banks and insurance companies.

Given my experience in international commerce I have come to see a wide range of problems which commonly afflict multinational organizations. Many of these issues pertain to intercultural communication. Despite the growing interconnectedness of the economy, old customs 'die hard,' and the more discursive, less time-pressed styles and expectations of French and Italian managers often grate upon German employees.
The construction negotiations in which I have been involved often involve the coordination of resources of several nations, and understanding the habits and labor laws of one nation can be very challenging for members of another. Construction as a whole is often laden with red tape because of financing and security issues, and intercultural barriers simply add another layer to the confusion. Even something as simple as time differences can lead to communication delays and unnecessary hurt feelings without appropriate planning, discussion, and preparation of all employees for such inevitable roadblocks. And for all of the much-praised homogenization of European laws, there are still wildly different perceptions of what constitutes sexual harassment and how to treat men, women, and members of ethnic and religious minority groups fairly in….....

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