Glf the Gnome Liberation Front: Term Paper

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Symbolically, one could do the same with pink flamingos and accomplish a similar aim -- although this might suggest animal liberation, rather than artistic or human liberation. And here is the insidious suggestion of these anarchic actions that has the potential to actually affirm mainstream culture -- the humorous attitude towards violence, the oppressed of the world, and the use of serious language to trivialize violence recalls the radical reactionary stance of "Fight Club." True, the Sex Pistols also made use of violence in their shows of defiance. But the mainstream media also used the traditional lure violence to sell The Sex Pistols' commodity of music to the young, to make the group's musical product attractive.
Perhaps only violence and violent language and theft, rather than acts of transgression that empower the ordinary individual, like the early Situationalists encouraging children to play near churches or passers-by to switch on public lights, is allowed to peacefully co-exist in capitalist culture. The mean-spirited parody of liberation and identity of the GLF, like the unbridled masculinity of "Fight Club," confirms more than it subverts cultural ideals, and thus, it continues to draw light-heartedly approving press. (1, 518 words)


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