Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams Term Paper

Total Length: 1751 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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She does not need to be smart, only pretty and popular, and she does not play a part in decision making or political thought. In effect, she is empty-headed and boy crazy, and that seems to epitomize how these authors see the women in their stories. They are not too bright, and must leave all the "important" decisions to men who can understand them. It is not a very flattering way to be portrayed.

In conclusion, these two women exemplify the attitudes about women in the South. They are "fragile" and emotional creatures who are to be pampered and humored.

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They must be kept unaware of "real" life because they are too delicate to deal with it effectively. Both of these women's personality problems come as a result of these archaic southern beliefs about women and their place in society. Amanda lives in the past unable to cope with family members who continually abandon her, and Emily lives in the past, unable to cope with the idea that a man could actually leave her. Both women are fragile psychologically, but that is a result of their upbringing and lack of understanding about the real world and real world relationships......

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