Glaciers Come in All Shapes Essay

Total Length: 661 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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All of these aspects come into play when analyzing the current reading. The reader is able to not only see the factual points associated with the Perito Moreno glacier, they are also able to envision the slops and curves, lines and spaces seen in this massive form.

In contrast it appears that the article wants to draw attention to the glaciers that are being lost, and that with the heating and melting we are constantly loosing pieces of history (Ehrlich, 2004). This point can be someone obscure as one follows through the reading. It is possible to get wrapped in the characteristics of the glacier as well as the comparisons, while losing the understanding of the lose that takes place with the expanding and contracting of the glacier. It is evident that the writer has a passion not only for glaciers in general but especially for this particular glacier.

In the article being reviewed the author does not give any contrasting points-of-view.
It is evident from beginning to end that all the opinions given are those of the author. There do not appear to be any fallacies in the authors' writings however, there are instances that are strictly opinion and not based on any facts. The main point of the reading appears to be how humankind takes glaciers for granted, not really appreciating them for their beauty and mystery, not acknowledging all they give as teaching tools to weather patterns over decades of time. The author wants to give a vivid picture of the glacier, its character, as well as all of the things that occur within a glacier in a given day, to show how valuable it is as well as how this resource for history is depleting. The reading concludes with explaining a glimpse into the life of the glacier......

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