General Motors and Toyota Term Paper

Total Length: 2608 words ( 9 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 8

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Marketing Plan for Toyota

Toyota Motor Corporation is a public Japanese automotive manufacturer located in Toyota, Aichi, Japan. The company was founded in 1937 by Kiichiro Toyoda as a division of his father's Toyota Industries company (Chart, Ends, & Shares, 2000). While still a department of Toyota Industries, the company created its first product, which was a type A engine and passenger car dubbed Toyota AA. Toyota Motor Corporation produces automobiles under five brands namely Toyota brand, Lexus, Ranz, Daihatsu, and Hino. In 2016, the company had 348,877 employees worldwide, and it is ranked as the fourteenth largest company by revenue in the world. The company has managed to produce over 10 million vehicles in a year, making it the world's first automotive manufacturer to attain this in 2012 and 2013. The company has managed to beat rivals General Motors and Ford although it is ranked as the world's third largest automotive manufacturer. According to industry data published in 2017, Toyota lost the number one position to Volkswagen Group who managed to produce more vehicles than Toyota. However, there are unofficial reports suggesting otherwise. Toyota is the largest listed company in Japan by market capitalization, and by revenue. There is a prediction that the global vehicle industry has been on the rise and will continue to increase in the coming years (see appendix 2).

Product Line

Toyota has managed to maintain its market leadership in the sales of hybrid electric vehicles in the world, and it has been encouraging mass adoption of hybrid vehicles in the world. Toyota is also the first company that commercially mass-produced and sold such a vehicle in 1997 by introducing the Toyota Prius (Schmidt, 1997). Later on, the company began offering this option to its passenger cars like Lexus, and Camry. Cumulatively, the company passed the 10 million mark in January 2017 for the sales of hybrid passenger car models. As of January 2017, the Prius family accounted for 6 million units sold making it the top selling hybrid brand within Toyota.

Toyota offers a broad range of vehicles, and it currently has around 70 different models that are sold under its brand. The brands include coupes, sedans, trucks, vans, crossovers, and hybrids. A majority of the models are produced as passenger sedans that range from the compact Corolla and subcompact Toyota Yaris, to mid-size Camry, and full-size Avalon. Toyota also does manufacture SUVs like Prado, Fortuner, Cruiser, and Sequoia. The company's most famous pick-up truck is the Hilux. The Hilux pickup is extremely durable and reliable (Ward, Liker, Cristiano, & Sobek, 1995). The luxury type cars under the Toyota brand are Century, Crown Majesta, and Crown. The company did produce a limited version for the Emperor of Japan dubbed the Century Royal. Toyota Coaster and Hino Liesse are the company's buses.

Mission and Vision

Toyota aims to achieve a stable and long-term growth the future through synchronization of local communities, global economy, the environment, and internal environment of shareholders. The company's mission is to cultivate a customer relationship by producing products and offering services of superior quality at affordable prices. Toyota strives to create an eco-friendly company that is in harmony with nature and society.

Toyota is committed to offering hybrid alternatives for each of its models sold in the global market. This would enable the company to have sales of over 1 million hybrid vehicles annually. The company has implemented various strategies aimed at improving its environmental management. The strategies include producing more energy efficient vehicles that have fewer carbon emissions. and recycling of materials. In order to reduce its carbon emission impact, the company has taken actions that ensure the environment is kept clean by observing and adhering to the recommended fuel economy values.

The Market

Currently, the company operates globally in 28 countries with 53 overseas manufacturing plants. The company's vehicles are sold in over170 countries worldwide. Toyota was ranked eleventh in the Forbes list of world's largest companies in 2015. Toyota is living its mission of becoming the world leader in the production and sale of vehicles that are best in terms of value. The company provides its clients with the best value for their money, which ensures that the company is able to penetrate many markets. Giving the best price and delivering quality has truly endeared them to the customers. This is the main reason the company has managed to penetrate the developing nation's market (Amasaka, 2009). Toyota's customers range from low income to the high-income earners, which demonstrates the company's commitment to offering value to its consumers. Having a wide range of vehicles allows the company to cater to the individual needs of its consumers and attracts customers to its different range of vehicles. Customers purchase Toyota vehicles based on the needs, wants, and financial capabilities. Product awareness is enhanced once a customer purchase one its products. Product awareness is also achieved by advertisements, website, newsletters, and other informational sources. A majority of Toyota products are purchased through retail distributors who are located all over the world. Customers can also make purchases from the company's factories.

Company Summary

Nature of Business

The nature of Toyota's business is based on the fact that customers make purchases based on their current needs and desires. Therefore, Toyota has to ensure that it has a wide range of products that would be able to meet customer needs all year round. There is no timeframe for making purchases for vehicles, not unless they are the limited editions. The reasons for purchasing a new car vary from region to region and are based on individual decisions. This makes it hard to predict the requirements for a particular period. However, Toyota has managed to ensure that it has new models of vehicles being launched each year replacing old models. The new models usually have advanced features that would meet market requirements for the coming year. Increasing fuel efficiency has been a key driving force in the development and production of new vehicles. Therefore, Toyota has invested heavily in R&D to ensure that vehicles produced are more fuel efficient and vehicles have minimal impact on the environment (Welch, 2007).

The product line-up for Toyota includes top of the range vehicles, buses, sedans, coupes, pickups, and hybrids. With such a range of vehicles, the company is able to cater for the needs of its different markets and individual requirements. Having a wide product range especially for vehicles might be considered as a negative, but the product range is in place to ensure that the company does dominate the vehicle industry. The different products have been produced with different individual and needs in mind. For example, the Hilux pickup is designed for farmers or individuals who require a hardy vehicle that can handle tough terrains, and carry heavy loads while still being durable. For an individual looking to purchase a family car, the company has numerous options that would fit the requirement and financial needs of the individual.

Customer Analysis

Customers choose to purchase Toyota vehicles mainly because of their specialized, and comprehensive nature. Toyota does offer a wide range of vehicles that would cater for all needs of a client. Remaining focused on building and maintaining high production standards for all its vehicles, the company ensures that its customer needs are well catered for, and they can always trust that the products. Cheap.....

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