Gender Wars Term Paper

Total Length: 864 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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gender wars and the issue of men's movement that has been taking place for quite a long time now and is still prevalent in the times of today. It started to shape up in the 18th century.


Men's movement has been a burning topic for the last century or so whereby it has involved heated debates from not only the dominant gender of the society - the males but also the female population. It is a persistent war between the two of them. The men's movement, at the present moment, includes dozens of organizations be they large or small, is spread across hundreds of websites and online communities and is an engrossing topic amongst thousands of people worldwide. Women come to this movement issue because they started to realize that feminism has nothing in store for them. They do not seem to get into the groove of the narrow feminist understanding of what a woman should want for herself and what she should look like in the society, not to forget her standing in the clique as well. We will limit our conversation to the men's movement and thus stick to the male gender. This paper is all about the men movement, which has been taking, place ever since and even before the 18th century and has now become a bone of contention between the two sexes.


Gender is a word, which describes the characteristics, and attributes that are culturally accredited with women and men. It is pretty different and distinct from sex, which in its own entirety means the physical characteristics that make up one biologically either a male or a female. Structuralists have been in agreement with seeing the gender as a product of universal cultural laws and customs of the languages that shape up a cultural utterance and assertion. Consequently, structuralism accounts for the gender that focuses on the traditional contour of the male hero as somewhat of an "active subject" and the heroine (from the female sex) as rather "passive object" of narrative action. [URL]


Initially, women consisted of being as second wives in the men's movement. They were either caught up as a result of divorces or were living as free souls. They had a role to play in the men's movement and thus their capacity in this whole scenario was of utmost significance. At the present moment, many women are active in this men movement, the reason being that they feel it is the right thing for them to do.….....

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