Gender Segregation in University Academia Term Paper

Total Length: 433 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+


Gender segregation among university level academia is a continuing issue in the United States. Universities are often seen as among society's most socially progressive institutions, so an analysis of gender segregation among higher educational institutions reveals a great deal about America's attitudes and actions towards gender segregation in the workplace. While gender segregation is still apparent in the workplace, it is dependent upon a number of factors, including the type of position, the specific institution, and the presence of women executives. Finally, there are important signs that gender segregation is lessening among university level academia.

In general, gender segregation is an important component of discussions about gender inequality.

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Gender segregation in the workplace is often seen as the root of the relatively higher wages of men in the workplace, limitations on careers, and as the basis for a number of inequalities between the genders (Blackburn and Jarman).

The academic world is often seen among laypeople as an "ivory tower" where ideas like gender equality can be practiced in a sheltered environment.

The reality is that gender segregation is a significant presence even among the college community. At a national level in the United States, almost 36% of female employees are in clerical positions, while 24% are in non-faculty professional positions. Among tenured faculty….....

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