Gender Contact Comfort and Sex Essay

Total Length: 711 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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Family and Environment


Emotional attachment, as Harlow’s studies on contact comfort showed, is born of the comfort that comes from contact with something reassuring, soft, and warm. The baby monkey for instance spent all its time on the cloth monkey rather than on the wire monkey because contact comfort served as the basis of attachment rather than food comfort, which the wire monkey gave. The baby monkey also ran to the cloth monkey when the frightening machine was placed in its cage: it sought out the contact comfort to calm its fears before gaining the confidence to confront the frightening machine. Then when the baby monkey was placed in the unfamiliar room it sought out the comfort of the cloth monkey and then felt secure enough to go explore the room like a curious little monkey.

The differences individual attachment matter because children need reinforcement, comfort and security to be able to feel that they can explore on their own (Shriner & Shriner, 2014). The contact comfort gives them a sense of personal security. The influences that family or lack thereof and environment can have on the development of infants is that they can impact temperament and attachment issues. Children are likely to develop a strong bond of affection with the person who shows them the most care, attention and affection.
Simply holding a child is enough to calm a child and give the child security to feel comfortable. Children on their own have difficulty regulating their emotions and they need the comfort of contact and security to make them feel that…

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…cultural factors influence our perception of acceptable expressions of gender and sexuality by making us think in terms of how people act and what is expected from a person who is gender fluid, gay or straight. People come to expect certain norms of behavior from these characterizations. However, not every culture is the same and there are many subcultures in the modern world. For instance, in gay culture it would be acceptable for two men to kiss. In a conservative culture, this would more than likely not be acceptable as conservative culture would say that sexuality is between men and women. The expression or repression of a person’s gender and/or sexuality may influence the person’s interpersonal development by making the person more isolated or more outgoing depending on how the person perceives his or her….....

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