Gender, Age This Particular Vignette Details a Essay

Total Length: 591 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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Gender, Age

This particular vignette details a family that is in a very bad position. There is a tremendous amount of conflict within this house coming from at least three different parties -- from Mr. Flores, from his daughter, and indirectly coming from his wife who is caught in a struggle for power between both of them. The source of these conflicts essentially stems from Amanda Flores, the daughter. However, it is exacerbated by a number of issues that will be revealed at length in the remainder of this document, and pertains to the entire family.


One of the principle differences between the clients and the counselor that may have contributed to this particular vignette is one that relates to culture. Specifically, Amanda's part of the gang culture is something that most counselors may be familiar with through work, but cannot comprehend in the same way as those who are living it. Another issue that may also be very difficult for the counselor to understand is the relationship between Amanda and her mother.

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It has been stated throughout this vignette that the pair have a difficult relationship, to say the least. Amanda routinely verbally and physically abuses her mother, yet her mother is willing to put up with such abuse. It may be difficult for the counselor to readily understand the fact that Mrs. Flores believes that by putting up with her daughter's abuse that the former is in some way helping the latter. This difficulty ultimately is related to cultural differences, which is closely linked to religious differences. Latina mothers typically remain in a nurturing role for their children and believe that doing so has religious implications. Counselors who are not thoroughly familiar with this culture and with Christianity's effect on….....

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