Gender and Age Immediately Influences Research Paper

Total Length: 711 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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The Internet can be a valuable informational resource, but should not be the only resource used by clients.

Assignment 4: All too often, it is assumed that older job-seekers have obsolete skill sets or are nearing the end of their usefulness in the workforce. However, as noted by Harper & Reschly (2002), older workers can still make a valuable contribution to the workforce and can draw upon their past experiences to lead an enriching and fulfilling retirement after they leave full-time employment. Being sensitive to a client's life stage is essential when recommending the types of work he or she might enjoy, but age should not subsume other characteristics relevant to the counseling process such as "skills, abilities, needs, values, interests, and personality style" (Harper & Reschly 2002). This is also essential when counseling, for example, LGBT clients or clients whose life stages and societal treatment may have been impacted by prejudice -- a counselor should not stereotype an individual based upon his or her social 'category' but should instead be mindful of the client's individuality.

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Alex: Alex is a middle-class, professionally-educated African-American male whose family is suffering tensions because of his recent indecisiveness in terms of his career. It is essential that race does not subsume the other aspects of counseling Alex. His struggles are typical of many Americans during trying economic times, rather than a particular product of the black family structure. Alex, because of his background, may feel the need to succeed more acutely than others, given his highly successful father and the pressures of negative societal assumptions. As well as race and class issues, he may feel pressure to provide as a male, particularly an African-American male for his family, given his wife is working. These challenges must be dealt with in a sensitive fashion, as Alex is pointed to a potentially more rewarding future -- Alex must understand that his success and career decisions should be evaluated in terms of his own personal needs, rather than stereotypes that do not….....

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