Gay Marriage the Issue of Gay Marriage Essay

Total Length: 789 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Gay Marriage

The issue of gay marriage is a very hot topic in today's world of current events. Many have attributed this quest of equality as a civil rights issue that compares to many of the civil rights battles fought in our history. The purpose of this essay is to make an argument for gay marriage as a viable means of expression for society. I will present this argument by using literature that supports this thesis and by adding my own commentary to the subject. I will give three main points to help clarify my argument and present a well defined case that ultimately supports theses actions.

Reason #1: Democracy

Regardless of one's own personal views upon the morality of the subject of gay marriage or homosexuality in general, many people in this country support this issue. Cillizza (2013) recently reported that "that not only is each younger generation increasingly supportive of gay marriage but within each generation people are getting more and more ok with legalizing it as they get older. Just 25% of Baby Boomers backed legalizing gay marriage in 2004 but that number has rapidly risen all the way to 43% in 2012. Ditto Gen X'ers -- 37% of whom backed gay marriage in 2004 and 53% said the same in 2012. Combine the fact that young people are heavily supportive of gay marriage and every generation is growing more in favor of legalization as they age and you see why the numbers on gay marriage have moved so quickly -- and why they aren't likely to ever reverse themselves.

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" It is clear a majority of opinion had drifted towards supporting this issue.

A democracy suggests that people have the right to control their own destiny through a majority. In other words if you are in the minority of opinion, you risk having your rights taken away. Democracy is therefore nothing much more than a competition of ideals. It just so happens that today the demand of legalizing gay marriage is creeping into the majority. Many states in the last few years have already legalized gay marriage and recognize it as a worthy pursuit.

Reason #2: It is Good for the Homosexual Community

Sullivan (1989), presented many fine reasons for gay marriage. The author himself, while biased as a homosexual, suggested that marriage in the gay community stands to benefit due….....

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