Gay Homosexuality Has Become a Essay

Total Length: 1036 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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The support for gay marriage is new, and no longitudinal sociological studies even exist that would prove the effects of having same-sex parents.

Even religion is used to support gay marriage and homosexuality. The Quaker religion has spoken out in favor of homosexuality and gay marriage: "Love has many shapes and colors and is not finite. It can not be measured or defined in terms of sexual orientation," (cited by Religious Tolerance). However, Christians believe that the word of the Bible is supreme. The Bible clearly advises against homosexuality in passages such as Leviticus 18:22. Furthermore, love between two people of the same sex is not the same as sexual intercourse between two people of the same sex. We can love our best friends but not want to have sex with them. Religions that encourage universal love draw the line at fornication.

Therefore, religion is a reason to oppose homosexuality and gay marriage, not support it. The United States has a substantial religious community that helps guide social values in the country. Religious values are time-honored and time-tested, having been around for thousands of years. Gay marriage is just the opposite: homosexual marriages were practically non-existent until a few years ago. Only a few countries in Europe allow homosexual marriages. In the United States, gay marriage is banned in most states.
Progressive social values threaten to undermine centuries of tradition in the United States, which is why gay marriage and homosexuality must be kept under wraps. Regardless of religious beliefs, homosexuality may be extremely harmful for children, communities, and the fabric of society.

Some researchers are trying to portray anti-gay attitudes as pathological. For example, Herek claims homosexuality is not the problem but homophobia is. His views are illogical because saying that is like saying that poisonous snakes are not the problem, only the fear of them is. We put up with the existence of poisonous snakes in our world without having to let them into our homes. Herek also points out that certain character traits and demographic variables are associated with homophobia. However, it does not matter who tends to disagree with homosexuality or gay marriage. What matters is how Americans stick to the values at the root of the society.

Homosexuality and especially gay marriage should be discouraged because they threaten to tear down the fabric of our society. Gay marriage is a new phenomenon used as a political tool. No evidence exists to support gay marriage, and no evidence supports the need to tolerate homosexuality. Being too permissive with something as possibly devastating as gay marriage could lead to disastrous social and spiritual consequences.


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