Garbage Can Management Theory the Case Study

Total Length: 525 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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The Garbage Can Model in Greater Detail

In theory, the GCM views the entire universe of organizational problems and solutions to those problems as a garbage can in which all problems and all possible solutions are tossed (Daft, 2005). The GCM also views the garbage can as containing solutions to some problems that might not have even manifested themselves yet in the organization but which might become useful in connection with some of those problems that materialize after solutions have already been devised generally (Daft, 2005).

There are four principal parameters that Cohen and March described in relation to the organizational problems encountered in anarchistic situations are: (1) Problems, defined as issues requiring change to the existing situation; (2) Solutions, defined as ideas proposed to address problems; (3) Participants, defined as employees who may come and go from the organization; and (4) Choice Opportunities, defined as situations requiring decisions (Daft, 2005).

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In principle, the main value of the GCM approach to organizational decision-making is that it conceives of problems and their solutions as separate in the sense that solutions may come in many different forms from various sources (Daft, 2005). In the classic approach to organizational decision-making, problems and solutions are related linearly in that specific problems are the basis for proposed solutions. By contrast, the GCM provides a means of devising solutions from different streams of events and analyses contributed by different organizational components. Ultimately, it allows a broader range of possible solutions, particularly where problems impact multiple organizational….....

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