Gang Membership a Gang Involves Multiple Chapters

Total Length: 1004 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Peer pressure also causes teens and kids to feel the need to fit in gangs. Peer pressure in the form of coercion, harassment or intimidation, may result to a person joining the gang. The desire to appear cool is also a major cause to many young people joining gangs. The trends and signs and reputations associated with the gangs such as fashion, tattoos and class appear to appeal to the persons and hence attract them to join the gangs. The excitement of young a person to defy authority also causes many to want to join gangs.

In addition, family history may also contribute to gangs. The family may have been involved in gangs over several generations. This type of gang pressure is hard to stop since the lifestyle of such people is defined by association with the gang (Marcovitz, 2010). The race of individuals may cause the need to form gangs due to discrimination within the society.

For the members of the gang, most members gain favors such as protection, a sense of belonging especially for those who come from families that do not support them. Also, for those with financial difficulties, gangs made for economic gain help them to survive. For gangs associated with family history and generations, provide the source of livelihood for the family. These are some of the benefits connected with gang membership for individuals.

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However, the membership to a gang association has its repercussions. Gang membership poses many dangers and problems to the members and the society too (Decker & Van, 1996). The initiation process may not be safe. Activities such as tattooing may lead to transmission of diseases through the use of the same instrument for tattooing. The use of drugs associated with gangs may cause one permanent addiction and health effects. Some initiation activities such as beating of the recruit cause injuries and may result in permanent deformity. Once one pledges loyalty to the group one is subject to its activities, which may cause one to commit murder, injure and maim persons, and experience lack of consciousness. Crime and violence committed may cause you to be arrested and be convicted.

Most gangs expect total loyalty to the group and its leader (Decker & Van, 1996). One is forced to abide by the rules and do as asked, for instance, dress in a certain manner and color, have tattoos, take certain drugs and contribute in committing crime as prescribed by the gang.

In conclusion, gangs, just as any other legal groups have leadership and some regulations to follow. They also have a wide membership and are well organized (Marcovitz, 2010). The members prescribe to the code of conduct of the gang. However, they pose immense dangers to the members......

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