Gambling: Far Beyond Entertainment Gambling Essay

Total Length: 569 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Thus, people become too involved in the gambling itself, loosing control of taking back their senses. This then can result in a serious gambling problem, which if not treated properly, can harbor serious negative ramifications within the context of the person's life. Support groups and addiction programs can help keep people from being consumed by their habits. This is stark contrast of the defining elements of a hobby. Hobbies are supposed to be things to do on the side to increase enjoyment, not to consume the entire whole of the individual.

Additionally, gambling has long been known for its negative consequences; which definitely keep it from fulfilling the defining elements of a hobby. It has also been long associated with other forms of addictive vices, such as drinking and drug abuse.

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Thus, gambling can go hand in hand with other crimes, and be a facilitator for the existence of crime where gambling is taking place. In fact, gambling itself is illegal in most states; with serious legal consequences for offenders. Gambling can also cause serious problems itself. Arguments over gambling may become heated enough to lead to other crimes. Money is a powerful source of jealousy and animosity.

Thus, gambling itself is not a mere hobby. Hobbies bring joy to the endeavor and cause relatively little harm. However, gambling can become an obsessive addiction or a facilitator of crime, completely the opposite of what is associated with hobbies......

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