Gaining Trust and Respect As a Teacher Essay

Total Length: 601 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Instructional Coaching DemonstrationThe Instructional Coaching Demonstration video with Dr. Jim Knight gives a good perspective on important aspects of instructional coaching, particularly its goals, purposes, objectives, and methods. The video would make a good guide or practical example of how instructional coaching can be implemented to support teaching and learning while creating a collaborative space for professional development.In the video, some of the more important aspects of instructional coaching are apparent. For example, the process begins with enrollment, where the coach engages teachers with both verbal persuasion and encouragement for them to experience the benefits of coaching firsthand. This approach is helpful in laying the foundation of trust and willingness to participate that is needed for success. The coach also establishes credibility and respect, which are also a must for a productive coaching relationship (Smith, 2010). This is achieved by showing respect for the teaching profession and a genuine care for both teachers and students.A significant focus of the coaching process is on \"The Big 4\": classroom management, content, instruction, and formative assessment. These areas are central to the coaching process and are critical for the teacher\'s professional development.

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The coach and teacher work together to co-construct observation forms and…

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…challenges and strengths of each teacher.Reflecting on my own experiences in educational settings, the approach demonstrated in the video resonates with effective practices I have observed. Coaches who establish a respectful, collaborative relationship with teachers and focus on practical, classroom-based strategies tend to be more successful in fostering professional growth and improving student outcomes (Smith, 2010).Overall, the Instructional Coaching Demonstration video effectively showcases the key characteristics of instructional coaching. It emphasizes the importance of a respectful, collaborative relationship between the coach and the teacher, which not only enhances teaching and learning but also contributes to a positive culture of continuous professional development….....

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