Future Marketing Issues Facing Arrow Term Paper

Total Length: 948 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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The Express system could make us obsolete to our current customers and leave us out f the field for obtaining new customers, if we are not very careful. The Express system would allow distributors to post inventories and prices on a digital bulletin board. This in turn would give customers of all sizes, the opportunity to shop for the prices they want to pay. As we see it, there is a two-fold possibility. Our current customers could decide to use the Express system to demand lower prices from us, or they could circumvent us all together and go for the "do-it-yourself" approach, in which case they would now be dealing with our suppliers directly and possibly be adversely affecting our relationships with them as well. On the other hand, if we embrace the Express system ourselves, find the best way to incorporate it into our business scheme, we run the risk of loosing some of our long-term customers. On the other hand, we need to counter-balance this with the possibility of gaining new customers through utilizing this same system.

Our recommendation is to run a trial system with specially selected customers -- the ones that we would expect would be quick to utilize the Express system once they heard of it. If we utilize our close relationships to our advantage, then we can find out the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of using this new system.

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The best-case scenario would be to embrace as much of the Express system that would be necessary to make use of this new business model to give us the highest positive outcome. This may be a good time to conduct our own survey and find out exactly what our customers will do in this given situation. We could also consider working with the people behind Express and see how we could collaborate to make this a "win-win" situation for all of us.

Brief Summary

In summary, since a major portion of our business if to provide the best possible customer service within a long-term relationship, then it suits our best interests to take on what our competitors will embrace, what our current and future customers could also decide to adopt and instead change our way of working to include its use for our benefit. The expectation is that we will not be able to maintain the status quo just by keeping things the way they are, so we will loose some customers, but in the end, we hope to improve and add new customers and strengthen long-term relationships. Our bottom line is to continue to give the best value for what our customer is willing to pay for......

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