Future Issues and Trends: Speech Essay

Total Length: 378 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

The 'pull out' model of teaching students with speech issues can be useful because it lets the SLP focus on every child's specific needs and challenges in an individualized fashion. But ultimately all learning takes place in context. Integrating the SLP into the curriculum allows the SLP to have new opportunities to reinforce different concepts for the child in a real-world situation. The SLP has greater opportunities to work with content where speech exercises are not the focus; with group settings; and with speaking aloud to a crowd in a formal setting. By using exercises where speech is not the primary focus of the child, but the SLP is still there to provide encouragement and support in the areas of the child's difficulty, great progress can be made in the child's general education and way of relating to others.

The SLP must never assume the role of a teacher, but in providing support to the child in the class during self-directed assignments, and even offering advice to the class as a whole about the communication process, the SLP can enhance the educational experience of the classroom overall......

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