Future of Education Needs to Essay

Total Length: 840 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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The challenge for the future of education is to use the full range of Web 2.0 technologies (O'Reilly, 2006) and create effective and customizable learning platforms that support individualized learning needs. For an overview of the Web 2.0 ecosystem, please see Appendix A. Social networks and Web 2.0 technologies will be the underlying scaffolding that provides students with the opportunity to get individualized instruction. These technologies will also free up teachers to focus on the most in-need students and keep the most talented of their courses challenged. In this way, each student will have the chance to make the most of their educational opportunities. Hopefully, the majority will emerge with a strong sense of accomplishment from the learning experience.

Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose

The final aspect of the future goals of education needs to center on creating autonomy of tasks, mastery of specific subjects and skills, and a strong purpose to continue learning (Stern, 2010).
Ultimately, all of these technologies and tools will be effective if they accomplish this goal.


The future objectives of learning need to embrace technologies that allow for individualized and augmented learning experiences. Never before, have technologies been so relevant to the needs of students for a personalized, highly focused learning experience. The use of scaffolding (Lutz, Guthrie, Davis, 2006) as a teaching strategy has been in existence decades, yet with social networking technologies, the effectiveness of these strategies can be vastly improved. Ultimately, the ability to create autonomy, mastery and purpose in a student will ensure they become life-long learners and compete effectively in an increasingly turbulent world (Stern, 2010).

Appendix A

Web 2.0 Ecosystem or Meme Map

Source: (O'Reilly, 2006) based on http://oreilly.com/web2/archive/what-is-web-20.html.....

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