Future Belong to China, Fareed Term Paper

Total Length: 559 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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The world now relies on the China market, which has become an indispensable trading partner. The European Union's exports to China have risen 600% in recent years, thus, China is now the biggest slice of a new world and it is unlikely to change.

Another bit of sobering information that Zakaria mentions is that China and India already produce more engineers than the U.S., and within five years, China will produce more Ph.D.'s than the U.S. An example of this can be seen in the world's largest pre-college science competition, the Science and Engineering Fair, sponsored by Intel and open to high-school students from around the world, in 2004, 65,000 Americans participated, compared to 6 million Chinese.

Zakaria cautions that the U.S. should be careful about running up fiscal policies, for with China holding vast reserves of dollars, it has the power to damage the American economy.
And although he believes that is an unlikely scenario, Zakaria basically feels it would be wiser if the U.S. was less vulnerable. Rather than a cold war, the author believes there will be a soft war, with the U.S. And China competing for power and influence, while at the same time cooperating with one another.

Zakaria assessment of China appears to be accurate, if not foreboding. The U.S. is losing ground in many arenas, and it would do well to take heed and invest in a future that will ease its vulnerability and ensure a stronger economy and culture.


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