Function of Counseling Is to Ensure That Case Study

Total Length: 1262 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

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function of counseling is to ensure that you provide service to a client that promotes the autonomy and development of the client which has to prioritize the relationship with in an ethical a counselor having good intentions is not just good enough as the his or her awareness of the relationship into which the client in this case George and the counselor enter together and the awareness of the impact between these two people on each other facilitates effectiveness and outcome. There are some ethics which are associated with working with George this include respecting his rights and dignity, which implies that the counselor is supposed to honor and promote his rights, cultural values, dignity and his worth. Secondly the counselor is supposed to be competent in that they maintain their professional skills during the sessions. Third, the counselor is supposed to be aware of their professional responsibility and ensure that they act in a trustworthy, accountable and reputable manner towards the client. Finally the counselor should ensure that they seek integrity in their practice this means that the counselor should present themselves in an accurate way and treat the client in an honest, straightforward and fair manner. As I begin working with George find that he is sullen, quiet and almost ethical concern as I begin working with him is confidentiality. I am worried of how I will build trust with George in order for him to open up and be free with me .I am worried of how I will manage to convince him that our sessions are going to be confidential since I believe that is what he is not sure about hence explaining why he is reserved (Ensign, 2009).

When constructing an assessment plan I have to ensure that I put ethical responsibilities. Some of the ethical responsibilities that I will use in constructing the plan are confidentiality in that I have to ensure that the assessment process is confidential; beneficence in that the plan should be committed to promoting the well-being of the client; Autonomy in that the assessment should respect the client's rights to be self-governing; discretion in that the assessment will employ good judgment, honoring the confidentiality and privacy of the client.

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George is an elder therefore there are some unique ethical considerations that come up when working with him just like working with other elder clients populations. These ethical concerns include actual conflicts of interest in that there might be a conflict of interest between George who is an elder and me the counselor since am relatively younger compared to him. Secondly confidentiality since as a counselor I will gather a lot of confidential information from George therefore as a counselor I owe a duty to confidentiality to George ensuring that I do not breech the confidence placed in me and disclosing information only when he consents. Another ethical concern is decision making capacity in that George might have the capacity or lack the capacity to properly participate in the decision making process (Ensign, 2009).

My initial counseling goals for George is to make him comfortable during the second goal is to make him speak out his feelings on his wife's third goal is to help him deal with his feelings and help him confront final goal is to help George learn to live past his wife's death and help him go back to his normal life he was living before the death of his initial theoretical approach and treatment plan for working with George would be helping him deal with the feelings he has harbored in his heart concerning his wife's death. This would include talking of the memories he has of his wife, talking about what he feels he is lacking as a….....

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