Friends From the Wrong Crowd One of Thesis

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Friends From the Wrong Crowd

One of the most challenging things among the young people on America is the idea of bad company. This problem is so pronounced and serious taking into account that the people who surround and individual largely dictates the direction of the life that the individual will take and hence shaping their future.

Ryan a 23 years old boy came from a humble Christian family where no one was allowed to smoke. When Ryan joined campus he met Pat and Torrey who were cigarette addicts. They became his close friends and went a head and invited him to hang out with them for a weekend. Pat and Torrey offered Ryan a whiff of cigarette for the first time in his life. Ryan was hesitant and said an emphatic "No" to the request but they kept on insisting on him to smoke. Ultimately he ended up smoking due to peer pressure. Since that time they ensured that he enjoyed with them every time he hangs out with them and eventually he ended up developing unhealthy habits of smoking.

Usage of tobacco can cause cancer, particularly, lung cancer, kidney cancer, cancer of the larynx head and neck, breast cancer, bladder cancer, cancer of the esophagus, cancer of the pancreas and stomach cancer.

Nicotine is a poisonous alkaloid that is widely used in cigarettes and other tobacco products.
It's also used as a drug in nicotine replacement therapy, which helps individuals trying to quit smoking. But overdose, as well as long-term use of nicotine as a drug and smoking cigarette can cause some serious side effects.

Side effects of nicotine

Nicotine increases heart rate and blood rate pressure and narrowing of constriction of the blood vessels

Excessive nicotine intake can cause gastrointestinal problems like nausea, diarrhea, dyspepsia and flatulence.

Excess or over use of nicotine is the leading cause for several types of cancer i.e. oral cancer, cancer of the lungs, esophagus and larynx.

When nicotine directly affects the persons brain and the nervous system it can lead to sleep disturbances or insomnia, irritability, dizziness, headache and abnormal dreams especially incase of long-term intoxication.

Prolonged use of nicotine can also result into coronary artery or cardiovascular diseases and significantly increases the risk for strokes.

Nicotine can also lead to some complications such as insulin resistance, jaw pain, vision problem and decreased appetite.

The other major challenge in having the wrong company is the likelihood of engaging in gang lifestyle and gang related activities such as;

Fights; most people feel energetic when they are with their peers in such a way that when they are alone they have no energy to fight people or even abuse them. Ryan used to be rude when with….....

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