Freedom Today, the Concept of Thesis

Total Length: 1734 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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After chronic stomach trouble in 1799, the composer became progressively hard of hearing, and finally completely deaf by 1816. Despite this, he continued enjoying and composing music, enjoying great success until his death in 1827. In contrast to Mozart, he not only had a longer and more successful career than his former mentor, but also a much better funeral. Despite being practically friendless when he died, Beethoven had many fans, of whom 20,000 lined the streets on the way to his final resting place.

In conclusion, the types of freedom experienced by the four persons mentioned above are divergent, but also compare in terms of their effect on the souls involved. Marx experienced satisfaction by achieving freedom for the social collective, while Luther experienced the same for his flock. Mozart and Beethoven still influence millions today with the sense of freedom inspired by their music......

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