Fourth Way Hargreaves's Fourth Way Model Presents Essay

Total Length: 584 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Fourth Way

Hargreaves's Fourth Way model presents opportunities for strong organizations to help weaker ones in need. The result is net universal gains: as whole communities and societies change for the better. It takes experienced, benevolent, strong leaders to work together with others for the greater good. Leaders working with other leaders in the realm of education comprises a method that promotes the common good in tangible ways. Schools can share resources, such as libraries, technologies, and even human resources. As Hargreaves points out, organizations that grow via distributive leadership are those that create equity and justice in the community.

Leaders who work with other leaders also leave important legacies that can pave the way for future growth and development. Rather than envision each school as an independent entity, Hargreaves suggests that all schools are part of a common organism. That organism is social betterment, via education.

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Education is the goal; individual schools should work together to achieve that goal rather than create an environment of competition and cutthroat development. Likewise, intervention into weaker schools should not come from the top down as in "parachute" models, but rather, from horizontal avenues. By shifting around existing resources, educational institutions are being more efficient.

Specific strategies that leaders might employ include leadership and staff training and development. Training and development programs are often overlooked in education, but can be the best methods of inspiring leadership growth. Staff training can also empower and encourage input. Empowering staff creates an organizational culture in education that promotes mutual growth, rather than egocentric or individualistic concerns.

Another strategy that leaders in education can employ involves resource allocation. Reassessing resources, including human resources, can reveal ways in which surpluses can be channeled into appropriate weak areas. The distribution of….....

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