Four Step Paradigm or Pattern Essay

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Toyota's traditional priorities had placed safety first, quality second, and volume third. But the over-confidant Toyota had placed volume of cars above all else. Many of their new hires and vendors were also not adequately trained in the methods of Total Quality Management since continuous improvement had ceased to matter to the company.

Another problem was that decisions were centralized causing many of the problems of logical regions to be glossed over. The customer perspective was ignored with the company working form their own self-centered stance and interests. This resulted in failures of cars and breakdowns.

Toyota's next step was decision-making.

Toyota decided to reaffirm their values of placing safety and quality the highest on their list of priorities as well as to embrace their philosophy of continuous improvement (namely Total Quality Management (TQM) or Kaizen ). Toyota also formed a quality advisory group composed of globally respected and objective experts in order to ensure that no misguided decisions were made. Other decision included plan to create a response system that would be able to respond to any quality incident within twenty four hours of it being reported in the United States; at which point an inspection would be performed on site with technical specialist to analyze the reason for the incident.
Toyota also upgraded its hiring and training program with an insistence on continuous education and handed particular regions regional self-reliance which meant that they could form their own decisions acting on their particular clientele. Finally, (although not exclusively), they also established an Automotive Center of Quality Excellence and a new position, Product Safety Executive, in order to ensure the quality of production.

Once having decided, they implemented their decisions and veered themselves back from th brink in regaining something of their reputation, learning from their mistakes, and saving themselves from bankruptcy. In fact, according to California-based ALG, Toyota's perceived quality score climbed 6.4 points to 80.1 and the company's Lexus was the No. 1 luxury brand, in its Spring 2012 Perceived Quality Study. This case history of Toyota adequately demonstrates the importance and value of each of the four steps in identifying and dealing with problems….....

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