Forsaken Island Christopher Sholes -- Typewriter (1867) Essay

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Forsaken Island

Christopher Sholes -- Typewriter (1867)

Sholes' major input was both the primitive typewriter and the QWERTY keyboard that was later developed to refine his typewriter. While the initial goal of the typewriter was the creation of a way to number book pages, tickets, and other documents, the machine's development later proceeded to include letters. The first model was sent out to stenographers for testing; the QWERTY keyboard system is still being used today. A typewriter would be an excellent invention on the island, assuming there would be plenty of reedy papyri or some sort of paper-like plant substance to be used for typing. It is a major equipment for putting down thoughts to paper, and should somebody else be stranded in the same island, the typed-up papers might even provide some reading entertainment or maybe even advice!

Joshua Pusey -- Matchbook (1889)

Pusey was an American attorney and inventor, with a love for smoking cigars.

Stuck Writing Your "Forsaken Island Christopher Sholes -- Typewriter (1867)" Essay?

While he did not originate the first match-stick (the honor goes to Carl Lundstrom and his first red phosphorus matches in 1855), Pusey came up with the portable book matches. The lighter and smaller paper matches were much more appealing to carry, in any case. Being on an island, it would be dreadfully handy to have a pack of paper matches to light fires. Forget having to strike rock against rock, when one can just use the tip of a matchstick to do it easily enough.

3. Alexander Graham Bell -- Metal detector (1881)

Contrary to popular belief, the telephone was not the only invention Bell came up with. The metal detector was something he did quickly, in order to find the bullet that was launched into U.S. President James Garfield. Unfortunately,….....

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"Forsaken Island Christopher Sholes -- Typewriter 1867 ", 22 March 2011, Accessed.1 July. 2024,