Foreign Film Term Paper

Total Length: 557 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Foreign Film

Recently I happened to see a Hindi movie with one of my friends from India. The name of the movie was Kaante, translated as "Problems" in English. The movie mainly revolved around three stars: one hero, one heroine, and one villain. The common theme of the movie was that the hero wants to please the heroine, but she dislikes the hero, because heroine is from a rich family, while hero belongs to a poor family. In an attempt to attract the heroine, the hero plays different tricks without being successful to woo the heroine. However, one morning while passing through the heroine's big house, he hears the crying sound of the heroine. Entering the house, he finds that the heroine's parents are on vacation and house-servants are on leave because of the local festivity. He finds the villain of the movie trying to threaten the heroine for marrying him, or he would kill her. When the hero of the movie sees this, he jumps over the villain, creating a big fight with kitchen knifes and guns. The hero gets injured, and the villain runs away for his life.
This creates the beginning of the love between the hero and the heroine, which finally culminates into the marriage.

In contrast, in a typical American movie, the lead players -- here hero and heroine for the comparison purposes- know each other during their school days. They used to date during while both of them were in the school. However, after graduating, the hero leaves the town, when he gets a job-offer in a multinational company in a large city. After few years, they loose touch from each other.….....

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