Ford: Apply the Issues and Thesis

Total Length: 924 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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The company makes sustained investments in the technologies it uses and incorporates to improve the final quality of the products, but also in the complementary service it offers, such as financial assistance or vehicle maintenance (The Ford Motor Company Website, 2009).

The Communities as Stakeholders

It is generally accepted than any economic agent will place a reduced emphasis on the role of communities as stakeholders, than on that of consumers. While it can be argued that Ford has implemented a similar approach and has paid increased attention to clients rather than communities, the automobile maker cannot be accused of wrongful behavior within the communities in which it operates. And this is even true despite the massive firings which shook the company throughout the past year as they were simply taken as drastic measures to help the company overcome the financial crisis, and not as direct endeavors aiming to attack the well-being of the communities. In order to better understand the company's implementation of concepts and notions of communities as stakeholders, it is best to pinpoint some of the actions employed by the company's managerial team relative to communities. For instance, the company founded its Ford Motor Company Fund and Community Services subsidiary, which "promotes corporate citizenship, philanthropy, volunteerism and cultural diversity in communities where we do business.
The Fund supports initiatives and institutions that foster innovative education, auto-related safety and American heritage and legacy. Ford's presence in the community also provides opportunities for salaried employees and retirees to volunteer through the Ford Volunteer Corps" (The Ford Motor Company 2008 Annual Report).

The number and nature of the institutions and projects supported by the American automobile manufacturer in its desires to support the development of the communities, and in this gain its support for the company's sustained development, is fairly increased. To pinpoint some of them however, one could refer to the following:

The Ford Motor Company Fund offers its expertise to companies striving to more efficiently allocate their resources and to increase the quality of their products and services

The Ford Volunteer Corps donated time to planting trees, carrying for children, building play grounds, cleaning the communities and so on Ford donated 82 refrigerated trucks to Feeding America, the organization striving to reduced hunger; the trucks increase the institution's access to people in need from various regions; they delivered over 78 million meals (Ford Motor Company Fund and Community Services 2008 Annual Report)......

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