Five-Year Career Plan a Clear Term Paper

Total Length: 1962 words ( 7 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Identification of three action steps to reaching stated career goals and objectives

In order to achieve my ultimate five-year career goal of opening my own business, I need to complete many different tasks to get to where I eventually want to be. As part of my overall business plan, I need to obtain funding (a recent article itemizes the costs to be between $150k to $240k just to get going for the first few months) and complete or secure the following items: (1) Location, (2) Restaurant/Bar Equipment, (3) Electronics, (4) Licenses, (5) Employees, (6) Inventory, (7) Marketing (Dean, E. (n.d.)).

g. Identification of potential barriers to reaching stated career goals

According to "How much money does it cost to open a bar," experts have broken down the costs with regard to opening a bar in this region and have come to conclusion that a person should have between 140K and 250K. As such, I believe that obtaining funding may be difficult. Additionally, I am concerned about finding the right place as I realize that location is very important in terms of marketing and strategizing and the business' overall growth (Dean, E. (n.d.

h. Analyze the affect of career training programs

I do not anticipate the need to attend any career training programs in the area of selling auto warranties. Rather, I believe that my time is better spent in focusing upon my real dream of opening a sports bar. The local Rotary has a series for prospective new business owners and the local county health department has a program regarding the basics of food and beverage service. These are two types of career programs which I intend upon attending in the upcoming months. I hope to attend further types of courses related to owning a business such as Excel programming and the basics of accounting for restaurants. There are many different managing programs for inputting orders and tracking revenue. I have been inundated by the research. In this area, I need to become more educated; thus, I could also foresee taking a course if offered by one of these companies......

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