Fill Blanks Document PDF File Submitted Essay

Total Length: 534 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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Mixed Method, Systematic Reviews, Integrated Reviews, Review of the Literature, Expert Opinions, Informative Articles are not appropriate for this assignment.)

Record your responses in the space provided. The boxes will expand as you type.

Your responses should be your own words and written in complete sentences. No "yes" or "no" answers. You should provide an explanation/rationale for each response.

Did the authors specifically indicate that the human rights of the subjects were protected? Did they specifically identify Institutional Review Board approval/Ethics Committee approval for this study? Did they indicate that they obtained informed consent for the study from the sample/participants? State what page numbers this information was found.

The participants gave informed consents and the procedures were performed in accordance with standards from the Committee of Human Experimentation of the University Institutional Review Board (Pieper, B., et al., 2010, p. 19).

15b: Does the study indicate that the subjects/participants received payment for taking part in the study?

The participants received $40 for their time.

15c: Are there any conflicts of interest in recruiting the subjects/participants?

The payment to participants could create conflict of interest where participants tell researchers what they think they want to hear to feel they earned the compensation.

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15d: Are the subjects/participants from a vulnerable population? (See page 259 of your text.)

The participants were not from vulnerable populations.

15e: Did the authors specifically state how they insured that the data remained private? Are there any statements that discuss who will have access to the data?

The researchers did not specify how they insured the privacy of the data or who had access.

15f: Which section(s) of the ANA code of ethics are supported by this study? (See page 251 of your text.)

Provisions 1, 3.3, 6.2, 7.2, 7.3, 8.1, and 9.1 are supported by the study.

15g: Is there outside funding that was used to conduct the study? Are there any disclaimers that discuss the author's affiliation with outside funding? (This if frequently found at the very end of an article but not in all cases.)

The study does mention a contract grant sponsor, but does not mention a disclaimer of author affiliation.

16. Summary

16a: How did the research relate to the metaparadigm of nursing?

The study relates to the metaparadigm of nursing in respects of individual care, internal environmental aspects of pain influencing lifestyle, encouraging mobility and exercise for health, and.....

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